Bobby Nicholl

When I’m asked to help coordinate a professional intervention, my heart and soul is committed to doing whatever it takes to making the intervention successful. Tenacity is my middle name. Being allowed into a family’s or friend’s mission to save their loved ones from the perils of addiction is a passion of my heart. My Pastor, Rick Warren, recently stated during a sermon, “How do you spell Love? Not L-O-V-E, but S-H-O-W U-P, be there to care enough to show up. Intervening on someone you care about is faith in action. Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences. It is considered a brain disease because drugs change the brain; they change its structure and how it works. These brain changes can be long lasting and can lead to many harmful, often self-destructive, behaviors. Even death. Interventions save people from having to hit bottom.
If someone you love is in jeopardy due to an addiction to drugs or alcohol, do not believe the myth that he/she must “hit bottom” first, in order to be helped. It is absolutely untrue, because bottom may be six feet under. A structured intervention, if done properly, will lead the dependent person to the help needed to begin recovery.
My 99% success rate speaks volumes about my ability to do interventions properly. An intervention is doing the right thing. Deciding on treatment is doing the right thing. In fact, the only time doing the right thing is wrong, is when you don’t do it. Help Can’t wait, so don’t wait before it’s too late. Sincerely, Bobby Nicholl

Help begins with the first phone call. Help can’t wait!
Stop the pain, Heal the hurt. Don’t Wait! Call Now!
21329 Balsam Ln
Lake Forest, CA 92630
21210 Erwin St. Woodland Hills,Ca 91367